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Knowledge Management

·3 mins·
Zubayr Ali
Zubayr Ali
ServiceNow Developer
Table of Contents

You have to learn all the big ideas in the key disciplines in a way that they’re in a mental latticework in your head and you automatically use them for the rest of your life. If you do that, I solemnly promise you that one day you’ll be walking down the street and you’ll look to your right and left and you’ll think “my heavenly days, I’m now one of the few competent people in my whole age cohort.” If you don’t do it, many of the brightest of you will live in the middle ranks or in the shallows. —Charlie Munger

  • In order to curate the best ideas in your mind palace
  • information is too overwhelming, gotta find a better way to organize and consume and produce resulsts
  • I use Obsidian with plugins and web applications such as Omnivore to consume and process
  • I read books in .epub and pdf format and make highlights in the EBook reader app Calibre and export the highlights and annotations to Obsidian as markdown.
  • I also use Lithium app on Android when reading books.
  • I want to buy a kindle as soon as possible.

My Personal Knowledge Management System has been through iterations. The first tool I remember using was Onenote, soon after I moved to, which I still use day to day but my main knowledge base is now on and

I like Dendron because of it’s publishing capability. It’s Next.js theme for publishing the notes is reliable and packed with a ton of features.

Here’s what my current setup looks like and how you can possibly implement the same:

I like to think my methodology for note-taking is a bastardized version of other popular methodologies/frameworks like P.A.R.A by Tiago Forte, LYT by Nick Milo.

I’ve 2 parts to my Dendron vault. There’s notes for IT/Dev stuff that does in the hierarchy “devlog” and there’s “archive”.

I’ve different areas of interest which are tagged #areas.

Even though Dendron takes care of hierarchy and structure of the system, I still try to use tags wherever I can for backwards compatibility.

I like words, whenever I stumble upon a never-have-head-before word, I quickly look up the meaning and send it to my inbox which I manage in my Telegram and during my leisure, I add it to my Vocabulary Journal that is powered by Glossary Page Template which I can export as an Anki deck for revision.

I use inline metadata and yaml metadata.

To copy something in markdown format I use bookmarklets, to quote, cite, clip links, titles. See zubayrrr’s gists.
